Monday, August 5, 2013

Puzzles and Dragons

Educ 504 has once again provided me with a great teaching activity. This will be my modified version of the activity

Objective: Students will verbally communicate concrete observations and inferences to put together a 16 piece puzzle in a team of 2 units comprised of 2 students each. 
Themes: Observation. Communication. Teamwork. Critical Thinking. 

  1. 2 tables or workstations to fit two people each. 
  2. A picture
  3. 4 students/players
Set up:
     Cut up the pictures as you would like (it can change depending on the objective). Place the pieces upside down or covered in an envelope on two tables. Set the chairs so that the units of 2 students will be facing away from each other. Take 4 volunteers and split them into the two units to sit at the tables. All other students will be observing and taking notes.

  1. The two units are to only look at the pieces in front of them. 
  2. The two units are to only communicate verbally. 
  3. Observers must be silent
  4. Observers in no way can contribute to the activity of piecing together the puzzle. 
  5. Time limit will be set at 10 minutes.
Discussion (for all students): 
What was the point of the activity?
(Players) What worked the best?
What kind of language was most helpful?
(Observers) What kind of language was written down as notes?

This will provide a segue into talking about observations versus inferences.

(There was no dragons in this post. Dragons are cool though. There might be a dragon on the picture. Who knows?)

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